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St. Ælred
Abbot of Rievaulx, homilist and historian (1109-66). St. Ælred, whose name is
also written Ailred, Æthelred, and Ethelred, was the son of one of those married
priests of whom many were found in England in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
He was born at Hexham, but at an early age made the acquaintance of David, St.
Margaret's youngest son, shortly afterwards King of Scotland, at whose court he
apparently acted for some years as a sort of page, or companion to the young
Prince Henry. King David loved the pious English youth, promoted him in his
household, and wished to make him bishop, but Ælred decided to become a
Cistercian monk, in the recently founded abbey of Rievaulx in Yorkshire. Soon he
was appointed master of novices, and was long remembered for his extraordinary
tenderness and patience towards those under his charge. In 1143 when William,
Earl of Lincoln, founded a new Cistercian abbey upon his estates at Revesby in
Lincolnshire, St. Ælred was sent with twelve monks to take possession of the new
foundation. His stay at Revesby, where he seems to have met St. Gilbert of
Sempringham, was not of long duration, for in 1146 he was elected abbot of
Rievaulx. In this position the saint was not only superior of a community of 300
monks, but he was head of all the Cistercian abbots in England. Causes were
referred to him, and often he had to undertake considerable journeys to visit
the monasteries of his order. Such a journey in 1153 took him to Scotland, and
there meeting King David, for the last time, he wrote on his return to Rievaulx,
where the news of David's death reached him shortly afterwards, a sympathetic
sketch of the character of the late king. He seems to have exercised
considerable influence over Henry II, in the early years of his reign, and to
have persuaded him to join Louis VII of France in meeting Pope Alexander III, at
Touci, in 1162. Although suffering from a complication of most painful maladies,
he journeyed to France to attend the general chapter of his Order. He was
present in Westminster Abbey, at the translation of St. Edward the Confessor, in
1163, and, in view of this event, he both wrote a life of the saintly king and
preached a homily in his praise. The next year Ælred undertook a mission to the
barbarous Pictish tribes of Galloway, where their chief is said to have been so
deeply moved by his exhortations that he became a monk. Throughout his last
years Ælred gave an extraordinary example of heroic patience under a succession
of infirmities. He was, moreover, so abstemious that he is described as being
more like a ghost than a man.
His death is generally supposed to have occurred
12 January, 1166, although there are reasons for thinking that the true year may
be 1167. St. Ælred left a considerable collection of sermons, the remarkable
eloquence of which has earned for him the title of the English St. Bernard. He
was the author of several ascetical treatises, notably the Speculum Charitatis
also a compendium of the same (really a rough draught from which the larger work
was developed), a treatise De Spirituali Amicitiâ,
and a certain letter to an
anchoress. All these, together with a fragment of his historical work, were
collected an published by Richard Gibbons, S.J., at Douai, in 1631. A fuller and
better edition is contained in the fifth volume of the Bibliotheca
of Tissier, 1662, from which they have been printed in P. L., vol.
CXCV. The historical works include a Life of St. Edward,
an important account
of the Battle of the Standard
(1138), an incomplete work on the genealogy of
the kings of England, a tractate De Sanctimoniali de Watton
(About the Nun of
Watton), a Life of St. Ninian,
a work on the Miracles of the Church of
an account of the foundations of St. Mary of York and Fountains Abbey,
as well as some that are lost. No complete edition of Ælred's historical
opuscula has ever been published. A few were printed by Twysden in his Decem
others must be sought in the Rolls Series or in Raine's Priory of
(Surtees Society, Durham, 1864).
An anonymous Latin Life of St. Ælred is printed by the Bollandists, Acta SS., January, vol. II; while other materials may be gathered from RAINE, Priory of Hexham, and from Ælred's own writings. An excellent short biography was compiled by Father Dalgairns for NEWMAN's series of Lives of the English Saints, 1845 (new ed., London, 1903); Dict. of Nat. Biog. s. v. Ethelred (XVIII, 33-35); BARING-GOULD, Lives of the Saints, I, and the great Cistercian collections of HENRIQUEZ and MANRIQUE.
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