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Pope St. Damasus I
Born about 304; died 11 December, 384. His father, Antonius, was probably a
Spaniard; the name of his mother, Laurentia, was not known until quite recently.
Damasus seems to have been born at Rome; it is certain that he grew up there in
the service of the church of the martyr St. Laurence. He was elected pope in
October, 366, by a large majority, but a number of over-zealous adherents of the
deceased Liberius rejected him, chose the deacon Ursinus (or Ursicinus), had the
latter irregularly consecrated, and resorted to much violence and bloodshed in
order to seat him in the Chair of Peter. Many details of this scandalous
conflict are related in the highly prejudiced Libellus Precum
(P.L., XIII,
83-107), a petition to the civil authority on the part of Faustinus and
Marcellinus, two anti-Damasan presbyters (cf. also Ammianus Marcellinus, Rer.
Gest., XXVII, c. iii). Valentinian recognized Damasus and banished (367) Ursinus
to Cologne, whence he was later allowed to return to Milan, but was forbidden to
come to Rome or its vicinity. The party of the antipope (later at Milan an
adherent of the Arians and to the end a contentious pretender) did not cease to
persecute Damasus. An accusation of adultery was laid against him (378) in the
imperial court, but he was exonerated by Emperor Gratian himself (Mansi, Coll.
Conc., III, 628) and soon after by a Roman synod of forty-four bishops (Liber
Pontificalis, ed. Duchesne, s.v.; Mansi, op. cit., III, 419) which also
excommunicated his accusers.
Damasus defended with vigour the Catholic Faith in a time of dire and varied
perils. In two Roman synods (368 and 369) he condemned Apollinarianism and
Macedonianism; he also sent his legates to the Council of Constantinople (381),
convoked against the aforesaid heresies. In the Roman synod of 369 (or 370)
Auxentius, the Arian Bishop of Milan, was excommunicated; he held the see,
however, until his death, in 374, made way for St. Ambrose. The heretic
Priscillian, condemned by the Council of Saragossa (380) appealed to Damasus,
but in vain. It was Damasus who induced Saint Jerome to undertake his famous
revision of the earlier Latin versions of the Bible (see VULGATE). St. Jerome
was also his confidential secretary for some time (Ep. cxxiii, n. 10). An
important canon of the New Testament was proclaimed by him in the Roman synod of
374. The Eastern Church, in the person of St. Basil of Cæsarea, besought
earnestly the aid and encouragement of Damasus against triumphant Arianism; the
pope, however, cherished some degree of suspicion against the great Cappadocian
Doctor. In the matter of the Meletian Schism at Antioch, Damasus, with
Athanasius and Peter of Alexandria, sympathized with the party of Paulinus as
more sincerely representative of Nicene orthodoxy; on the death of Meletius he
sought to secure the succession for Paulinus and to exclude Flavian (Socrates,
Hist. Eccl., V, xv). He sustained the appeal of the Christian senators to
Emperor Gratian for the removal of the altar of Victory from the Senate House
(Ambrose, Ep. xvii, n. 10), and lived to welcome the famous edict of Theodosius
I, De fide Catholica
(27 Feb., 380), which proclaimed as the religion of the
Roman State that doctrine which St. Peter had preached to the Romans and of
which Damasus was supreme head (Cod. Theod., XVI, 1, 2).
When, in 379, Illyricum was detached from the Western Empire, Damasus
hastened to safeguard the authority of the Roman Church by the appointment of a
vicar Apostolic in the person of Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica; this was the
origin of the important papal vicariate long attached to that see. The primacy
of the Apostolic See, variously favoured in the time of Damasus by imperial acts
and edicts, was strenuously maintained by this pope; among his notable
utterances on this subject is the assertion (Mansi, Coll. Conc., VIII, 158) that
the ecclesiastical supremacy of the Roman Church was based, not on the decrees
of councils, but on the very words of Jesus Christ (Matt., xvi, 18). The
increased prestige of the early papal decretals, habitually attributed to the
reign of Siricius (384-99), not improbably belongs to the reign of Damasus
(Canones Romanorum ad Gallos
; Babut, La plus ancienne décrétale
, Paris,
1904). This development of the papal office, especially in the West, brought
with it a great increase of external grandeur. This secular splendour, however,
affected disadvantageously many members of the Roman clergy, whose worldly aims
and life, bitterly reproved by St. Jerome, provoked (29 July, 370) and edict of
Emperor Valentinian addressed to the pope, forbidding ecclesiastics and monks
(later also bishops and nuns) to pursue widows and orphans in the hope of
obtaining from them gifts and legacies. The pope caused the law to be observed
Damasus restored his own church (now San Lorenzo in Damaso) and provided for
the proper housing of the archives of the Roman Church (see VATICAN ARCHIVES).
He built in the basilica of St. Sebastian on the Appian Way the (yet visible)
marble monument known as the Platonia
(Platona, marble pavement) in honour of
the temporary transfer to that place (258) of the bodies of Sts. Peter and Paul,
and decorated it with an important historical inscription (see Northcote and
Brownlow, Roma Sotterranea). He also built on the Via Ardeatina, between the
cemeteries of Callistus and Domitilla, a basilicula, or small church, the ruins
of which were discovered in 1902 and 1903, and in which, according to the Liber
, the pope was buried with his mother and sister. On this occasion
the discoverer, Monsignor Wilpert, found also the epitaph of the pope's mother,
from which it was learned not only that her name was Laurentia, but also that
she had lived the sixty years of her widowhood in the special service of God,
and died in her eighty-ninth year, having seen the fourth generation of her
descendants. Damasus built at the Vatican a baptistery in honour of St. Peter
and set up therein one of his artistic inscriptions (Carmen xxxvi), still
preserved in the Vatican crypts. This subterranean region he drained in order
that the bodies buried there (juxta sepulcrum beati Petri) might not be affected
by stagnant or overflowing water. His extraordinary devotion to the Roman
martyrs is now well known, owing particularly to the labours of Giovanni
Battista De Rossi. For a good account of his architectural restoration of the
catacombs and the unique artistic characters (Damasan Letters) in which his
friend Furius Dionysius Filocalus executed the epitaphs composed by Damasus, see
Northcote and Brownlow, Roma Sotterranea
(2nd ed., London, 1878-79). The
dogmatic content of the Damasan epitaphs (tituli) is important (Northcote,
Epitaphs of the Catacombs, London, 1878). He composed also a number of brief
epigrammata on various martyrs and saints and some hymns, or Carmina, likewise
brief. St. Jerome says (Ep. xxii, 22) that Damasus wrote on virginity, both in
prose and in verse, but no such work has been preserved. For the few letters of
Damasus (some of them spurious) that have survived, see P.L., XIII, 347-76, and
Jaffé, Reg. Rom. Pontif.
(Leipzig, 1885), nn. 232-254.
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